With COP26 in progress at the moment I think its only right that this week we try to uncover some of the ways in which water is being discussed in relation to climate change at the talks in Glasgow, and what this might mean for water and politics in Africa.
A big deal is being made of water at the talks so far, with a dedicated 'Water and Climate Coalition' (WCC) being set up to draw attention to the UN Water Decade and the Global Accelerator Framework for UN SDG 6. But what actually is being proposed? Who is proposing it? How does the WCC relate water to climate change? Do the measures go far enough? And what are the political consequences for water in Africa?
The video below gives you good idea of who the WCC are and what they do:
Figure 1 Decline in Monitoring Stations - Red dots show broken ones |
How could effective conclusions or policies be drawn if we can't even measure our rivers and water storages? Well, clearly, they couldn't and this is why monitoring and increased sharing of water data is such a big part of the WCCs aims for COP26. The WCC is pushing for open water data or a 'One UN data portal', with the hope that the sharing of national and UN physical data will 'guarantee better planning and decision making'. This coincides with the Fit for Purpose Monitoring Systems Program which hopes to enhance water data collection.
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